Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Photography Spotlight-Renee Munson

Photo from The students of Truth with a Camera

My amazingly talented friend Renee Munson has just launched her photography website.
Such an exciting moment!
I have known Renee for many years and I am thrilled to see what is happening with her photography career.
I am ever so thankful to have had her shoot my Plastic Heaven Online Shop and being able to continuously share with her creatively.

Not only can she capture those once in a lifetime moments, she has a gift for photo journalism and was able to join a group called Truth with a Camera on a trip to Guadalajara

You can see that work here: The students of truth: Gualdalajara
and her new site here: RENEEMUNSONPhotography.com

Keep on, keepin on Renee'!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Help Send Kids to Camp

How many of you went to camp as a child?
I grew up doing gymnastics so I spent several summers away at gymnastics camp.
What a time-

Remember the feeling when you came back?
Or better yet when you realized you were going to camp?
Well you have the opportunity to help send kids from the DC Area to camp.

Two wonderful friends of mine work with Young Life and for their annual banquet they were looking for items to auction,
without hesitation Plastic Heaven donated goods.

Plastic Heaven has decided to take it even a step further...

SHARE the Code: YL-Camp (at checkout)
Know that you are giving a child an amazing opportunity-
Not to mention getting a deal on some sick threads!